
Patrick Crowley

I am Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at Washington University where I direct the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL). I am also the founder of Observable Networks, which was acquired by Cisco Systems in 2017. My interests span networking and computer systems, and much of my teaching and research has involved programmable networked systems, high-speed networking, network security, and information-centric networking.


My goal is to develop networked systems with improved privacy, performance, scalability & ease-of-use, relative to contemporary systems.​ If you do systems networking research, the Open Network Lab might be useful to you. My recent projects can be organized into the following themes.

More secure infrastructure for today's Internet. Founded Observable Networks, a cloud security SaaS company, based on my invention of endpoint modeling.

New directions for tomorrow's Internet. Long-term research activity in Named Data Networking, a new approach to computer communications.​

Scalable algorithms, data structures, and protocols. Progress in networked systems relies on the invention of these new building blocks, to enable new possibilities.​

My collaborators and I have authored many papers on these subjects, and several are highly cited. Google Scholar is the best way to access my publications. My recent projects have been sponsored by DARPA, NSF, and Intel Corp.


Except for the occasional break, I teach one class each in the Fall and Spring semesters.




Email pcrowley @ wustl.edu
Twitter @pcrwly

On Campus

McKelvey Hall, Room 2039

Mailing Address

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Campus Box 1045
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899