ARL Publications (1985-1989)
Journal Articles
Turner J. "Approximation Algorithms for the Shortest Commom Superstring
Problem," Informaiton and Computation, October, 1989, 1--20.
Turner J, Melen R. "Nonblocking
Multirate Networks," SIAM Journal on Computing, April 1989,
Turner J, Bubenik RG. "Performance of a Broadcast Packet Switch," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, January 1989, 60--69.
Turner J. "Design of a Broadcast Packet Switching Network," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, June 1988, 734--743.
Turner J. "Almost
all k-Colorable Graphs are Easy to Color," Journal of Algorithms,
March 1988, 63--82. Communications, vol. SAC-4, no 8, 11/85,
Turner J. "New Directions in Communications," IEEE Communications Magazine,
Turner J. "On
the Probable Performance of Heuristics for Bandwidth Minimization,"
SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 15, no. 2, 5/86, 561--580.
Turner J, Chung MJ, Makedon, F and Sudboroough IH. "Polynomial Time Algorithms
for the MIN CUT Problem on Degree Restricted Trees," SIAM Journal on
Computing, vol. 14, no. 1, 2/85, 158--177.
Conference Papers
Turner J, Melen R. ``Nonblocking Networks for Fast Packet Switching,''
Proceedings of Infocom 89, 4/89.
Turner J. ``Fluid Flow Loading Analysis of Packet Switching Networks,''
Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress, 6/88.
Turner J, Melen R. ``Distributed Protocols for Access Arbitration in Tree-Structured
Communication Channels,'' Proceedings of the International Communication
Conference, 6/88.
Turner J, Bubenik RG. ``Performance of a Broadcast Packet Switch,'' Proceedings
of the International Communication Conference, 6/87.
Turner J.``The Challenge of Multipoint Communication,'' Proceedings
of the ITC Seminar on ISDN Design and Planning, 5/87.
Turner J. Approximation Algorithms for the Shortest Common Superstring
Problem,'' Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing, 10/86.
Turner J. ``Design of a Broadcast Packet Switching Network,'' Proceedings
of Infocom 86, pp. 667--675, 4/86.
Turner J. ``New Directions in Communications (or Which Way to the Information
Age?),'' Proceedings of the Zurich Seminar on Digital Communication,
pp. 25--32, 3/86.
Turner J.``Design of an Integrated Services Packet Network,'' Proceedings
of the Ninth Data Communications Symposium, 9/85, 124--133.
Technical Reports
Turner J, Melen R .``Nonblocking Multirate Distribution Networks,'' Washington
University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-89-34, 8/89.
Turner J. ``Practical Wide-Sense Nonblocking Generalized Connectors,''
Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-88-29, 3/88.
Turner J, Paulkar G.``Towards a Framework for High Speed Communication
in a Heterogeneous Networking Environment,'' Washington University, Computer
Science Department, WUCS-88-7, 3/88.
Turner J.``Buffer Management System,'' Washington University, Computer
Science Department, WUCS-88-6, 3/88.
Turner J, Melen R.``Nonblocking Multirate Networks,'' Washington University,
Computer Science Department, WUCS-88-2.
Turner J, Melen R.``Distributed Protocols for Access Arbitration in Tree-Structured
Communication Channels,'' Washington University, Computer Science Department,
Turner J.``Fluid Flow Loading Analysis of Packet Switching Networks,''
Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-87-16.
Turner J.``The Challenge of Multipoint Communication,'' Washington University,
Computer Science Department, WUCS-87-6, 4/87.
Turner J.``Specification of Integrated Circuits for a Broadcast Packet
Network,'' Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-87-5,
Turner J, Khakoo S. ``System Testing of a Broadcast Packet Switch,''
Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-87-4, 4/87.
Turner J, Haserodt K.``An Architecture for Connection Management in a Broadcast
Packet Network,'' Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-87-3,
Turner J. ``Approximation Algorithms for the Shortest Common Superstring
Problem,'' Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-86-16,
Turner J.``Performance of a Broadcast Packet Switch,'' Washington University,
Computer Science Department, WUCS-86-10, 6/86.
Turner J.``The Complexity of the Shortest Common Matching String Problem,''
Washington University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-86-9, 4/86.
Turner J.``Almost all $k$-Colorable Graphs are Easy to Color,'' Washington
University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-86-2, 2/86.
Turner J.``Design of a Broadcast Packet Switching Network,'' Washington
University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-85-4, 3/85.
Turner J.``Design of an Integrated Services Packet Network,'' Washington
University, Computer Science Department, WUCS-85-3, 3/85.
Turner J. ``Buffer Management System,'' U.S. Patent #4,849,968, July
Turner J. ``High Speed Data Link,'' U.S. Patent #4,829,227, May 1989.
Turner J. ``Broadcast Packet Switching Network.'' U.S. Patent #4,734,907,
March 1988.
Turner J. ``Integrated Self-Checking Packet Switch Node.'' U.S. Patent
#4,561,090, 12/24/85.
Turner J. ``Distributed Monitoring of Packet Transmission Delay.''
U.S. Patent #4,551,833, 11/5/85.
Turner J, Wyatt F. ``Alternate Paths in a Self-Routing Packet Switching
Network.'' U.S. Patent #4,550,397, 10/29/85.
Turner J. ``Fast Packet Switching System.'' U.S. Patent #4,494,230,
Turner J.``Fast Packet Switch.'' U.S. Patent #4,491,945, 1/1/85.
hits (6/2005).
Last modified August 30, 1999