CSE/EE 577 Source Code
This page contains links to source code for CSE 577.
More will be added as the semester progresses.
You can explore the sources using this page and its sub-pages.
You can also use the link at left to the source tarfile to
conveniently transfer all the necessary files to a remote machine,
where you can unpack them using tar.
Wunet Overlay Network.
Wunet is an overlay network that provides functionality
similar to Ethernet. It defines multiple virtual network, each of which
must be structured as a tree. Packets are routed within these virtual
networks based on addresses in the packet headers. The provided source
code includes a very basic wunet router which will be augmented over
the course of the semester in a series of small projects.
This directory contians a collection of data structures
and utilities.
Last updated 8/2/09.