Applied Research Laboratory
Publications by Author

A. Maynard Engebretson

| 1994 | 1993 | request |

  • Richard, W.D.; Cox, J.R., Jr.; Engebretson, A.M., Fritts, J.; Gottlieb, B.L.; Horn, C. "Production Quality Video Over Broadband Networks: A Description of the System and Two Interactive Applications." Proceedings of the Gigabit Networking Workshop, GBN'94, June 1994, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  • Engebretson, A.M. "Benefits of Digital Hearing Aids." IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 13, No. 2, April/May 1994, pp. 238-248.

  • Engebretson, A.M.; French-St. George, Marilyn; O'Connell, Michael P. "Adaptive Feedback Stabilization of Hearing Aids." Scandinavian Audiology, 1993, Suppl. 38, pp. 56-64.

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Applied Research Laboratory
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Prepared by Vykky Klingenberg Last modified October 24, 1996