- Schmidt, Douglas C.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Cranor, Charles D. "Gigabit CORBA - High-Performance Distributed Object Computing,'' Gigabit Networking Workshop (GBN'96), 24 March 1996, San Francisco, in conjunction with INFOCOM `96.
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- Cranor, Charles D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Design of Universal Continuous Media I/O," Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV `95), pp 83-86, April 1995.
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- Buddhikot, Milind M.; Cranor, Charles D.; Dittia, Zubin D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Papadopoulos, Christos. "The 3M Project: Multipoint Multimedia Applications on Multiprocessor Workstations and Servers," Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on High Performance Communication Systems, Sept. 1993.
- Cranor, Charles D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "An Implementation Model for Connection-Oriented Internet Protocols," Journal of Internetworking: Research and Experience, Vol. 4., pp133-157, Sept. 1993.
- Cranor, Charles D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "An Implementation Model for Connection-Oriented Internet Protocols," Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM `93, Vol. 3, pp 1135-1143, April 1993.
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- Cranor, Charles D., "Connection-oriented Internet Protocols, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Internet Engineering Task Force, pp 553-559, Washington DC, November, 1992.
- Cranor, Charles D. "An Implementation Model for Connection-Oriented Internet Protocols," M.S. thesis, Department of Computer Science, Sever Institute of Technology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, May 1992.
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