- Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Bringing Real-time Scheduling Theory and Practice Closer for Multimedia Computing", Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Philadelphia, May 1996.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., "Design and Implementation of a Real Time Upcall Mechanism." Washington University Department of Computer Science Applied Research Laboratory Working Note 96-09, July 1996.
- Buddhikot, Milind M.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Gopalakrishnan, R. "Scalable Multimedia-On-Demand via World-Wide-Web (WWW) with QOS Guarantees," International Conference on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, NOSSDAV 96, Japan, 1996.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., Parulkar, G.M, "Efficient User Space Protocol Implementations with QoS Guarantees using Real-time Upcalls," Washington University Department of Computer Science technical report WUCS-96-11, September 1996.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., Parulkar, G.M, "Efficient User Space Protocol Implementations with QoS Guarantees using Real-time Upcalls," Washington University Department of Computer Science technical report WUCS-96-11, September 1996.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., "Design and Implementation of a Real Time Upcall Mechanism." Washington University Department of Computer Science Applied Research Laboratory Working Note 96-09, July 1996.
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- Gopalakrishnan, R., Parulkar, G.M., "Real-time Upcalls: A Mechanism to Provide Real-time Processing Guarantees" Washington University Department of Computer Science technical report WUCS-95-06, September 1995
- Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "A Real-time Upcall Facility for Protocol Processing with QoS Guarantees," ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, (Poster Session), Copper Mountain CO, December 1995,
pp. 231.
- Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "RMDP-A Real-time CPU Scheduling Algorithm to Provide Guarantees for Protocol Processing," Proceedings of IEEE Real-time Technology and Applications Symposium,(Poster Session), Chicago, May 1995.
- Gopalakrishnan, R., Parulkar, G.M., "Real-time Upcalls: A Mechanism to Provide Real-time Processing Guarantees," Washington University Department of Computer Science technical report WUCS-95-06, September 1995
- Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Quality of Service Support for Protocol Processing Within Endsystems," High Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, Wolfgang Effelsberg et. al. (Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
- Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "A Framework for QoS Guarantees for Multimedia Applications within an Endsystem," Swiss German Computer Society Conference, September, 1995.
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Last modified May 22, 1996