Gigabit ATM Applications Over 10 Gb/s SONET Ring

A 10 Gb/s SONET metropolitan area ring supporting gigabit ATM applications is to be installed in St. Louis as part of ARPA's Technology Reinvestment Program. This is being done by a consortium led by Bellcore and including AT&T, Rockwell, Southwestern Bell, Tektronix and Washington University. Washington University's role in the project is to expand and extend our gigabit campus network to interface to the SONET ring at 2.4 Gb/s and demonstrate gigabit applications over the combined SONET-ATM testbed, including optical sectioning microscopy and spiral tomography.

Some closely related projects at Washington University are listed below.

Prepared by Jonathan Turner:
Prepared 1/18/95, Last Modified 1/18/95.