PARBIT: PARtial BItfile Transformer

 V2.00 New Feature: IP (Intellectual Property) Mode












PARBIT is a tool that transforms FPGA configuration bitfiles, called bitstreams, to enable Dynamically Hardware Plugins modules in the Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX).  The tool accepts options to generate a bitstream, which can load a DHP module into any region of the Reprogrammable Application Device (RAD) on the FPX. It also can be used to implement partial run-time reconfiguration (P-RTR) with VIRTEX Xilinx FPGAs.






It is possible to run PARBIT under Windows and Unix. In order to run under Windows, one must have installed the GNU Tool Environment called Cygwin ( To run PARBIT under Unix, it is necessary only the executable file (parbit).


Design Flow

The design flow consists on generating the bitstream files from Xilinx CAD tools and run PARBIT with these files, to generate the partial bitstream.


There are three operation modes defined by the user parameters:

  The following files are used by PARBIT, to generate the partial bitfile:


The tool generates the partial bitstream file containing the area selected by the user (from the original bitstream) and this file will be used to reconfigure the target device.  


The following files are available:




The current limitations of PARBIT (V2.00) are:



The software program comprising "PARBIT" are copyright Edson L. Horta, John W. Lockwood and Washington University in St Louis.


  Contact Edson L. Horta John W. Lockwood  

last updated:Mar 5, 2005  by