ARL Publications (1995-1999)

Dissertations and Theses

  1. Hardware-Based Internet Protocol Prefix Lookups, by Will Eatherton. Washington University Electrical Engineering Department, MS thesis, 1999.
  2. Dynamic Queue Queue Management for Network Quality of Service, by Yuhua Chen. Washington University Electrical Engineering Department, MS thesis, 1998.
  3. Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous Transfer Mode Switching Systems, by Einir Valdimarsson. Washington University Electrical Engineering Department, DSc dissertation, 1994.

Journal and Magazine Articles

  1. A Scalable High-Performance Active Network Node, by Dan Decasper, Guru Parulkar, Sumi Choi, John DeHart, Tilman Wolf, and Bernhard Plattner. IEEE Network, January/February 1999.
  2. Terabit Burst Switching, by Jonathan Turner. Journal of High Speed Networks, 1999.
  3. Loss and Delay Analysis of Dynamic Flow Setup in ATM Networks, by Qiyong Bian, Kohei Shiomoto and Jonathan Turner. IEICE Transactions, 1998
  4. Architectural Choices in Large Scale ATM Switches , by Jonathan Turner and Naoki Yamanaka. IEICE Transactions, 1998
  5. Designing Least-Cost Nonblocking Broadband Networks, by J. Andrew Fingerhut, Subhash Suri and Jonathan Turner.  Journal of Algorithms 1997, pp. 287-309.
  6. On the Performance of Early Packet Discard, by Maurizio Casoni and Jonathan Turner. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, June 1997.
  7. Efficient Data Layout, Scheduling and Playout Control in MARS, by Millind Buddhikot and Guru Parulkar.  ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, pp. 199-211, Volume 5, Number 3, 1997.
  8. An Architecture for Monitoring, Visualization and Control of Gigabit Networks by Gurudatta M. Parulkar, Douglas C. Schmidt, Eileen Kraemer, Jonathan Turner, Anshul Kantawala, IEEE Networks, 1997.
  9. Buddhikot, Milind M.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Kumar, SriHari; and Rangan, P. Venkat Design of Storage Servers and Storage Hierarchies. In Handbook of Multimedia Systems, Prentice Hall.
  10. Gong, Fengmin; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Application-oriented Error Control Scheme for High Speed Networks ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking IEEE p.669-683,  October, 1996.
  11.  Adiseshu, Hari; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Varghese, George. Reliable and Scalable Striping Protocol," ACM SIGCOMM'96, Stanford University, 1996.  Computer Communication Review v. 26 n. 4, October, 1996, ACM, p. 131-143.
  12. Meijler, Theo D.; and Engel, Robert. Making Design Patterns Explicit in FACE, a Framework Adaptive Composition Environment," Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1301, 1997;p. 94.
  13.  Blaine, G. James; Cox, Jerome R., Jr.; Jost, R.G. "Networks for Electronic Radiology," Radiology Clinics of North America, May 1996, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 505-524.
  14. Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. Quality of Service Support for Protocol Processing Within Endsystems," High Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, Wolfgang Effelsberg et. al. (Editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
  15. Fuhrmann, D.R.; Baro, J.A.; and Cox, Jerome, R. Experimental Evaluation of Psychophysical Distortion Metrics For JPEG-Encoded Images,"Journal of Electronic Imaging, October 1995, Vol.4, No. 4, pp. 397-406.
  16. Saied Hosseini-Khayat, Andreas D. Bovopoulos, A Simple and Efficient Bus Management Scheme that Supports Continuous Streams,"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, May 1995, Pages 122-140.

Conference Papers

  1. CPU Scheduling for Active Processing using Feedback Deficit Round Robin, by Tilman Wolf and Dan Decasper. Proceedings of the 37th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, September 1999.
  2. Design of a Flexible Open Platform for High Performance Active Networks, by Sumi Choi, Dan Decasper, John Dehart, Ralph Keller, John Lockwood, Jonathan Turner and Tilman Wolf. Proceedings of the Allerton Conference, 10/99.
  3. Packet Classification Using Tuple Space Search, by V. Srinivasan, Subhash Suri and George Varghese. Proceedings of SIGCOMM, 9/99.
  4. The Performance of a Real-time I/O Subsystem for QoS-enabled ORB Middleware by Fred Kuhns, Douglas C. Schmidt, and David L. Levine. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA '99), OMG, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1999.
  5. The Design and Performance of a Real-time I/O Subsystem by Fred Kuhns, Douglas C. Schmidt, David Levine, and Rajeev Bector. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS99), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 2-4, 1999.
  6. Applying Adaptive Real-time Middleware to Address Grand Challenges of COTS-based Mission-Critical Real-Time Systems by Christopher D. Gill, Fred Kuhns, David Levine, Douglas C. Schmidt, Bryan S. Doerr, and Richard E. Schantz. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Real-Time Mission-Critical Systems: Grand Challenge Problems, IEEE, Phoenix, Arizona, November 30, 1999.
  7. The Design and Performance of a Pluggable Protocols Framework for Object Request Broker Middleware by Fred Kuhns, Carlos O'Ryan, Douglas C. Schmidt, Ossama Othman, and Jeff Parsons. Proceedings of the IFIP Sixth International Workshop on Protocols For High-Speed Networks (PfHSN '99), Salem, MA, August 25--27, 1999.
  8. WDM Burst Switching for Petabit Capacity Routers, by Yuhua Chen and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of Milcom, 1999.
  9. ANMAC: A Novel Arcitectural Framework for Network Management and Control Using Active Networks by Samphel Norden and Ken Wong. IWAN '99, The First International Working Conference on Active Networks. Berlin, June, 1999.
  10. WDM Burst Switching, by Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of INET, 1999.
  11. DiSp: An Architecture for supporting Differentiated Services in the Internet by Anshul Kantawala, Samphel Norden, Ken Wong, Gurudatta M. Parulkar, Proceedings of INET '99, 1999.
  12. Design of a Weighted Fair Queueing Cell Scheduler for ATM Networks, by Yuhua Chen and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of Globecom, 1998.
  13. ``Performance Anaysis of Dynamic Flow Setup in ATM Networks, by Kohei Shiomoto, Qiyong Bian and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of ICC, 1998.
  14. Dynamic Queue Assignment in a VC Queue Manager for Gigabit ATM Networks, by Yuhua Chen and Jonathan Turner.  Proceedings of ATM Workshop, 1998.
  15. Dynamic Flow Switching: A New Communication Service for ATM Networks, by Qiyong Bian, Kohei Shiomoto and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of Infocom, 4/98.
  16. Scalable High Speed IP Routing Lookups, by Marcel Waldvogel, George Varghese and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of SIGCOMM, 9/97.
  17. Improved Analysis of Early Packet Discard, by Maurizio Casoni and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress, 6/97.
  18. "Real Time Connection Admission Control with Multistate Traffic Sources," by Robert Engel and Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of ICC 1997.
  19. "Crossbow - A Toolkit for Integrated Services over Cell Switched IPv6," by Dan Decasper, Marcel Waldvogel, Zubin Dittia, Hari Adiseshu, Guru Parulkar, and B. Plattner. Proceedings of the IEEE ATM'97 workshop May 25-28, 1997, Lisbo, Portugal.
  20. The APIC Approach to High Performance Network Interface Design: Protected DMA and Other Techniques, by Zubin Dittia, Guru Parulkar, Jerry Cox. Proceedings of Infocom, April 7-11, 1997, Kobe, Japan.
  21. Supporting DIS Applications using ATM Multipoint Connection Caching by Anshul Kantawala, Gurudatta M. Parulkar, John DeHart, Ted Marz. Proceedings of Infocom, 4/97.
  22. Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch, by Tom Chaney, Andy Fingerhut, Margaret Flucke and Jonathan Turner.  Proceedings of Infocom, 4/97.
  23. Designing Minimum Cost Nonblocking Communication Networks, by J. Andrew Fingerhut, Subhash Suri and Jonathan Turner. 5th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis, 3/97.
  24. Project MARS: WWW based Scalable, Interactive Multimedia Recording and Playback Services, by Buddhikot, M and X. Chen. ACM SIGCSE/SAC'97, San Jose, CA, Feb 27-Mar 1, 1997
  25. Extending ATM Networks for Efficient Reliable Multicast, by Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of Workshop on Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing, Springer Verlag, 2/97.
  26. Engel, Robert; Bieri, Toni; Keller, Beat. Signaling in ATM Networks: An Object-Oriented Solution," Proceedings - International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, March 28-21, 1995, IEEE p. 550-557.
  27. Wu, Dakang. An Efficient Signaling Structure for ATM Networks, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM `96, March 26, 1996.
  28. Schmidt, Douglas C.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Cranor, Charles D. "Gigabit CORBA - High-Performance Distributed Object Computing, Gigabit Networking Workshop (GBN'96), 24 March 1996, San Francisco, in conjunction with INFOCOM `96.
  29. Papadopoulos, Christos; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Retransmission-Based Error Control for Continuous Media Applications," Proc. 6th Intl. Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), April 1996.
  30. Gokhale, Aniruddha; Harrison, Tim; Schmidt, Douglas C.; and Parulkar, Gurudatta M.Operating System Support for High-Performance, Real-time CORBA," Proceeding to the 5th International Workshop on Object-Orientation in Operating Systems, IEEE, October 1996.
  31. Dittia, Zubin D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Cox, Jerome R., Jr. Design and Implementation of a Versatile Multimedia Network Interface and I/O Chip," Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video(NOSSDAV), April 1996.
  32. Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. Bringing Real-time Scheduling Theory and Practice Closer for Multimedia Computing", Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Philadelphia, May 1996.
  33.  Buddhikot, Milind M.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Gopalakrishnan, R. Scalable Multimedia-On-Demand via World-Wide-Web (WWW) with QOS Guarantees" Sixth International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, NOSSDAV96, Zushi, Japan, April 23-26, 1996.
  34. Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "A Framework for QoS Guarantees for Multimedia Applications within an Endsystem," Swiss German Computer Society Conference, September, 1995.
  35. Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "A Real-time Upcall Facility for Protocol Processing with QoS Guarantees,"ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, (Poster Session), Copper Mountain CO, December 1995, pp. 231.
  36. Buddhikot, Milind M.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Efficient Data Layout, Scheduling and Playout Control in MARS" Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), April 1995. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Vol. 1018 Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-60647-5.
  37. Huni, Hermann; Johnson, Ralph; and Engel, Robert. Framework for Network Protocol Software,"  Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA Oct. 17-19, 1995.
  38. Maintaining High Throughput During Overload in ATM Switches, by Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of Infocom, 3/96.
  39. Cranor, Charles D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. "Design of Universal Continuous Media I/O," Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV `95), pp 83-86, April 1995.
  40. Gopalakrishnan, R.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M. RMDP-A Real-time CPU Scheduling Algorithm to Provide Guarantees for Protocol Processing,"Proceedings of IEEE Real-time Technology and Applications Symposium,(Poster Session), Chicago, May 1995.
  41. Dittia, Zubin D.; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Cox, Jerome R., Jr. "Design of the APIC: A High Performance ATM Host-Network Interface Chip," Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 95, Boston, 1995, pp. 179-187.
  42. Turner, Jonathan S. "Issues in Distributed Control for ATM Networks, Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), August 1995.
  43. Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Schmidt, Douglas C.; and Turner, Jonathan S. "aItPm: a Strategy for Integrating IP with ATM, Proceedings of SIGCOMM, September 1995.
  44. Papadopoulos, Christos; Parulkar, Gurudatta M.; Implosion Control for Multipoint Applications," Proceedings of the 10th Annual IEEE Workshop on Computer Communications, September 1995.
  45. aItPm: a Strategy for Integrating IP with ATM, by Guru Parulkar and Douglas Schmidt. Proceedings of SIGCOMM, 9/95.
  46. Issues in Distributed Control for ATM Networks, by Jonathan Turner. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), 8/95.

Technical Reports

  1. CommBench - A Telecommunications Benchmark for Network Processors, by Tilman Wolf and Mark Franklin. WUCS-99-29, 1999.
  2. Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (12/98-6/99), by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-99-21, 8/8/98.
  3. Design Issues for High Performance Active Routers, by Tilman Wolf and Jonathan Turner. WUCS-99-19, 1999.
  4. The Performance of TAO's Pluggable Protocols Framework on High-speed Embedded Interconnects by Fred Kuhns, Carlos O'Ryan, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Jeff Parsons. WUCS-99-12, Washington University, St. Louis. Department of Computer Science, Technical Report, 1999.
  5. TCP/IP Implementation with Endsystem QoS , by Sherlia Shi, Guru Parulkar, R. Gopalakrishnan. WUCS 98-10, Department of Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis.
  6. A Proposal for a High-Performance Active Hardware Architecture, by Tilman Wolf. WUCS-99-08, 1999.
  7. Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (9/98-12/98), by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-98-31, 3/27/98.
  8. Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (6/98-9/98), by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-98-30, 12/29/98.
  9. Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (3/98-6/98), by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-98-22, 6/10/98.
  10. Terabit Burst Switching, by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-98-17, 7/17/98.
  11. Terabit Burst Switching Progress Report (12/97-3/98), by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-98-16, 6/10/98.
  12. A Simplified Reservation and State Setup Protocol WUCS-98-07 Hari Adiseshu, Guru Parulkar and Subhash Suri
  13. Router Plugins: A Modular and Extensible Software Framework for Modern High Performance Integrated Service Router WUCS-98-08 Dan Decasper, Zubin Dittia, Guru Parulkar and Bernhard Plattner
  14. TCP/IP Implementation with Endsystem QoS WUCS-98-10 Sherlia Shi, Gurudatta Parulkar and R. Gopalakrishnan
  15. Terabit Burst Switching, by Jonathan Turner. WUCS-97-49, 12/22/97.
  16. Dynamic Flow Switching - A New Communication Service for ATM Networks, by Qiyong Bian, Kohei Shiomoto and Jonathan Turner. WUCS-97-26, 6/3/97.
  17. Architectural Choices in Large Scale ATM Switches, by Jonathan Turner and Naoki Yamanaka. WUCS-97-21, 5/1/97.
  18. An Error Control Scheme for Large-Scale Multicast Applications WUCS-97-23* Christos Papadopoulos, Guru Parulkar and George Varghese
  19. Dynamic Flow Switching; A New Communication Service for ATM Networks WUCS-97-26* Qiyong Bian, Kohei Shiomoto and Jonathan Turner
  20. An Architecture for Monitoring, Visualization and Control of Gigabit Networks WUCS-97-28* Guru Parulkar, Douglas Schmidt, Eileen Kraemer, Jonathan Turner and Anshul Kantawala
  21. Costs of Constraint Based Networks on a Sphere  WUCS-97-29* Hongzhou Ma and Jonathan Turner
  22. Enhancements to 4.4 BSD UNIX for Efficient Networked Multimedia in Projectmars WUCS-97-38* Milind M. Buddhikot, Xin Jane Chen, Dakang Wu and Guru M. Parulkar
  23. Extending ATM Networks for Efficient Reliable Multicast, by Jonathan Turner WUCS-96-16, 11/96.
  24. On the Performance of Early Packet Discard, WUCS-96-13, 4/96.
  25. Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch, WUCS-96-07, 2/96. With Tom Chaney, J. Andrew Fingerhut and Margaret Flucke.
  26. Designing Minimum Cost Nonblocking Communication Networks, WUCS-96-06, 2/96.
  27. Design of Nonblocking ATM Networks, WUCS-96-03, 2/96.
  28. Analysis of MPEG Compressed Video Traffic" WUCS-96-01 Cox, J. R.; Beal, O. M.
  29. Bringing Real-time Scheduling Theory and Practice Closer for Multimedia Computing" WUCS-96-04  Gopalakrishnan, R.; and Parulkar, G.
  30. Design of a Gigabit ATM Switch"WUCS-96-07  Chaney, T.; Fingerhut, A.; Flucke, M.; and Turner, J.
  31. Efficient User space Protocol Implementations with QoS Guarantees using Real-time Upcalls"  WUCS-96-11    Gopalakrishnan, R.; and Parulkar, G.
  32. The APIC Approach to High Performance Network Interface Design: Protected DMA and Other Techniques"    WUCS-96-12   Dittia, Z.; Parulkar, G.; and Cox, J.
  33. Vaudeville: A High Performance, Voice-Activated Teleconferencing Application"  WUCS-96-18 Parwatikar, J.; McCartney, P.; DeHart, J.; Engebretson, M.; and Goldman, K.
  34. Supporting DIS Applications using ATM Multipoin Connection Caching" WUCS-96-19 Kantawala, A.; Parulkar, G. and DeHart, J.
  35. Optimal Solution of Off-line and On-line Generalized Caching" WUCS-96-20 Hosseini-Kayat, S.; and Cox, J.R.
  36. New Results on Generalized Caching" WUCS-96-25    Hosseini-Kayat, S..
  37. Issues in Distributed Control for ATM Networks, WUCS-95-12, 5/95.
  38. Maintaining High Throughput During Overload in ATM Switches WUCS-95-07, 5/95.
  39. A survey of network signaling." WUCS-95-08  Wu, D.
  40. An efficient signaling structure for ATM networks." WUCS-95-09 Wu, D.
  41. Reliable FIFO load balancing over multiple FIFO channels." WUCS-95-11 Hari, A.; Parulkar, G.; and Varghese, G.
  42. Issues in distributed control for ATM networks." WUCS-95-12  Turner, J.
  43. Load Balance Properties of Distributed Data Layouts for Clustered MOD Servers." WUCS-95-32
    Buddhikot, M.; and Parulkar, G.
  44. Error Control for Continuous Media and Multipoint Applications." WUCS-95-35  Papadopoulos, C.; and Parulkar, G.
  45. System Architecture Document for Gigabit Switching Technology, Version 3.0, 1/9/95. With Zubin Dittia and J. Andrew Fingerhut.
  46. Real-time up calls: A mechanism to provide real-time processing guarantees."WUCS-95-06  Gopalakrishna, R.; and Parulkar, G.
  47. Maintaining high throughput during overload in ATM switches." WUCS-95-07  Turner, J.


  1. Multicast Virtual Circuit Switch Using Cell Recycling, invented by Jonathan Turner. U. S. Patent #5,402,415, March 28, 1995.
Working Notes
  1. GBNSC: The GigaBit Network Switch Controller, by John DeHart, Dakang Wu and Ken Cox. ARL-WN-98-03.
  2. A Digital Phase Adjustment Circuit for ATM and ATM-like Data Formats, by Thomas J. Chaney. ARL-WN-98-02.
  3. SPC Specification, by William N. Eatherton and Toshiya Aramaki. ARL-WN-98-01.
  4. Jammer Language Description: A Script Language for GigaBit Switch Testing, by Matthew O. Beal. ARL-WN-96-01.
  5. Washington University GigaBit Network Software Installation and Start-up by John D. DeHart. ARL-WN-96-02.
  6. Node Controller Managed Object (NCMO) and Node Controller Communication Protocol (NCCP), by John D. DeHart and Dakang Wu. ARL-WN-96-03.
  7. SE Signal Description, by Thomas J. Chaney and Fred U. Rosenberger. ARL-WN-96-05.
  8. IPP Signal Description, by Thomas J. Chaney and Fred U. Rosenberger. ARL-WN-96-06.
  9. OPP Signal Description, by Thomas J. Chaney and Fred U. Rosenberger. ARL-WN-96-07.
  10. Connection Management Software System (CMSS) Architecture, by John DeHart. ARL-WN-95-03.

hits (6/2005).