Research Plan

1. Simulation

Move simulation to NS. This has several benefits:

Use Internet topology generation tool (Georgia Tech) to generate topologies for simulation.

Use above simulation infrastructure to collect results on:

Use simulation to evaluate/refine mechanism for detecting replier failure.

2. Exploration of other Router-assist schemes

Identify other proposed router-assist schemes (RM list, literature).

Systematicaly evaluate other schemes using our simulation infrastructure (NS + Internet topology generation tool) and analysis.

Compare with our scheme and identify strengths/weaknesses of other schemes

  1. Performance (e.g., duplicates, latency).
  2. Impact on network (state and processing in routers).
  3. Incremental deployment.
  4. Trade-offs (e.g., trade performance for easier deployment)

3. Characterize router-assist schemes and refine our scheme

Use simulation results to improve/refine our scheme.

Use results and insight gained from other schemes to further refine our scheme by perhaps borowing good ideas.

Define solution space, based on performance and trade-offs, and characterize each examined router-assist scheme accordingly.

4. Implemention

Continue with our implementation and use it as a vehicle to evaluate the complexity of integrating our scheme into the existing network infrastructure.

Prepare a release package to be distributed to other interested parties. This will encourage the addition of more sites to our testbed and hopefully make it lsrge enough to run some large scale experiments.

5. Reliable multicast protocol

Design a reliable multicast protocol, which will reside at the application layer and uses our services:

Define the protocol API.

Simulate and evaluate the performance of the protocol. Refine protocol based on results.

Implement the protocol and include the code in the release package.

6. Congestion Control

Explore the potential of the proposed services as the basis for and efficient congestion control mechanism:

Investigate alternatives for congestion control mechanisms, e.g.,

Simulate and evaluate the performance of the various mechanisms.

Select and add the most suitable mechanism to the reliable multicast protocol implementation.

Introduction Solution Overview Infocom Paper Presentation People ARL