an overlay networks for large-scale virtual worlds
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNforestThe CtlPkt class is used to pack and unpack forest control messages
|oCAdminTableClass that implements a table of information about Forest administrators
|oCAvatarClass that implements a simulated avatar in a virtual world
|oCClientTableClass that implements a table of information about users
|oCLinkModClass used to represent information used to modify a link
|oCComtInfoMaintains information about the comtrees in a Forest network
|oCComtreeRegisterClass that implements a register of information about comtrees, for use by ClientMgr
|oCComtreeTableClass that implements a table of information on comtrees
||oCClnkInfoComtree link information comtree table entry
|oCCpHandlerThis class is designed for use with multi-threaded controllers (NetMgr, ComtCtl, etc) that use control packets to communicate with routers and other components
|oCCtlPktThis class provides a mechanism for handling forest signalling packets
|oCForestMiscellaneous utility functions
|oCHostHost implements a forest host
||\CEntry< iface table entry
|oCLinkTableMaintains information about a Forest router's virtual links
||\CEntryLink table entry
|oCLoggerThis is a very simple logger class to control the logging of error messages
|oCMonitorMonitor observes status reports sent by Avatars in a virtual world and reports them to a remote client that implements a graphical display of the moving Avatars
|oCNetBufferThis class implements a simple user-space buffer for use when reading from a stream socket
|oCNetInfoMaintains information about an entire Forest network
||oCLeafNodeInfoStructure holding information used by leaf nodes
||\CRtrNodeInfoStructure holding information used by router nodes
|oCNp4dNetwork programming for dummies
|oCPacketClass that defines fields in Forest packets
|oCPacketFilterSupport class used by PacketLog to control packet logging
|oCPacketStoreMaintains a set of packets with selected header fields and a separate set of buffers
|oCPacketStoreTsMaintains a set of packets with selected header fields and a separate set of buffers
|oCQueueThis class implements a simple thread-safe queue for communication among threads
|oCQuManagerThe QuManager class, manages a set of queues for each of the links in a router
|oCQuuThis class implements a simple thread-safe queue for communication among threads
|oCRateSpecThis class stores bit rates and packet rates for links in both directions
|oCRepeaterClass to manage repeated sending of control packets
|oCRepeatHandlerClass to aid in handling repeated control packets
|oCRouterInfoStructure used to carry information about a router
|oCRouterControlThis class handles incoming and outgoing control packets on behalf of a router core
||\CnuClientStructure for tracking pending clients
||\CThreadInfoInfo for worker thread used to process an incoming control packet
|oCRouteTableMaintains a set of routes
|\CSubstrateThis class provides a common substrate used by various controllers
| oCQueuePair
| \CThreadInfo