an overlay networks for large-scale virtual worlds
forest::AdminTable::Admin | |
forest::DBConnector::adminProfile | |
forest::AdminTable | Class that implements a table of information about Forest administrators |
forest::Avatar | Class that implements a simulated avatar in a virtual world |
mygame.AvatarGraphic | |
mygame.AvatarStatus | |
forest::ClientTable::Client | |
forest::clientInfo | |
ClientProxy | |
forest::ClientTable | Class that implements a table of information about users |
forest::ComtreeTable::ClnkInfo | Comtree link information comtree table entry |
forest::ComtInfo | Maintains information about the comtrees in a Forest network |
forest::ComtInfo::ComtLeafInfo | |
forest::ComtreeTable::ComtLinkInfo | |
forest::ComtreeRegister::Comtree | |
forest::ComtInfo::ComtreeInfo | |
forest::ComtreeRegister | Class that implements a register of information about comtrees, for use by ClientMgr |
forest::ComtreeTable | Class that implements a table of information on comtrees |
forest::ComtInfo::ComtRtrInfo | |
forest::RouterCore::ControlInfo | |
forest::CpHandler | This class is designed for use with multi-threaded controllers (NetMgr, ComtCtl, etc) that use control packets to communicate with routers and other components |
forest::RouterCore::CpInfo | |
forest::CtlPkt | This class provides a mechanism for handling forest signalling packets |
forest::DBConnector | |
forest::ComtreeTable::Entry | |
forest::IfaceTable::Entry | < iface table entry |
forest::LinkTable::Entry | Link table entry |
forest::EventStruct | |
forest::PacketLog::EventStruct | |
forest::Forest | Miscellaneous utility functions |
forest::Host | Host implements a forest host |
forest::IfaceTable | |
forest::NetInfo::IfInfo | |
forest::IoProcessor | |
forest::NetInfo::LeafNodeInfo | Structure holding information used by leaf nodes |
forest::StatsModule::LinkCounts | |
forest::NetInfo::LinkDesc | |
forest::NetInfo::LinkInfo | |
forest::QuManager::LinkInfo | |
forest::LinkMod | Class used to represent information used to modify a link |
forest::LinkTable | Maintains information about a Forest router's virtual links |
forest::Logger | This is a very simple logger class to control the logging of error messages |
forest::Misc | |
forest::Monitor | Monitor observes status reports sent by Avatars in a virtual world and reports them to a remote client that implements a graphical display of the moving Avatars |
forest::NetBuffer | This class implements a simple user-space buffer for use when reading from a stream socket |
forest::NetInfo | Maintains information about an entire Forest network |
forest::Np4d | Network programming for dummies |
forest::RouterCore::nuClient | Structure for tracking pending clients |
forest::Packet | Class that defines fields in Forest packets |
forest::PacketFilter | Support class used by PacketLog to control packet logging |
forest::PacketLog | |
forest::PacketStore | Maintains a set of packets with selected header fields and a separate set of buffers |
forest::PacketStoreTs | Maintains a set of packets with selected header fields and a separate set of buffers |
forest::prefixInfo | |
forest::Queue | This class implements a simple thread-safe queue for communication among threads |
forest::StatsModule::QueueCounts | |
forest::QueuePair | |
forest::Substrate::QueuePair | |
forest::QuManager::QuInfo | |
forest::QuManager | The QuManager class, manages a set of queues for each of the links in a router |
forest::Quu< T > | This class implements a simple thread-safe queue for communication among threads |
forest::Quu< int > | |
forest::Quu< pair< int, int > > | |
forest::Quu< pktx > | |
forest::RateSpec | This class stores bit rates and packet rates for links in both directions |
forest::Repeater | Class to manage repeated sending of control packets |
forest::RepeatHandler | Class to aid in handling repeated control packets |
forest::Router | |
forest::RouterControl | This class handles incoming and outgoing control packets on behalf of a router core |
forest::RouterCore | |
forest::RouterInfo | Structure used to carry information about a router |
forest::RouterInProc | |
forest::RouterOutProc | |
forest::RouteTable | Maintains a set of routes |
forest::NetInfo::RtrNodeInfo | Structure holding information used by router nodes |
forest::ClientTable::Session | |
SqlProxy | |
forest::StatsModule::StatItem | |
forest::StatsModule | |
forest::Substrate | This class provides a common substrate used by various controllers |
forest::ComtreeTable::TblEntry | |
forest::ThreadInfo | |
forest::RouterInProc::ThreadInfo | Info for worker thread used to process an incoming control packet |
forest::Substrate::ThreadInfo | |
ActionListener | |
mygame.Main | Forest |
SimpleApplication | |
mygame.Main | Forest |